How to get your hubby on board when hiring a professional organizer

If I had a nickel for how many times I’ve heard “I’ve hired you in secret”, or “my husband thinks you’re just my friend”, I’d probably be able to dole out my services for free.

I get it.  You’ve made the decision that enough is enough!  You’re done swimming in excess toys and clothes, and you’re committed to getting organized.  You’ve spent time and energy trying to tackle it on your own, hit a wall, and quickly grabbed your phone to search for a recommended professional organizer in your local mom Facebook group.  

In a Pinterest perfect world, your husband (or partner) would share your same perspective, and you’d happily agree to move forward with a professional.  Hurray!

But the conversation didn’t go as planned, your hubs is not seeing the value in it, and you’re back to hiring someone in secret (or not hiring anyone at all.)

Square one. Now what?

Ever heard the expression “happy wife, happy life”?  It’s more than just a funny catchphrase.

Studies have found that people are not only happier when they live with happy partners, but they live longer!  Just think about that for a minute. Your husband will add years to his life simply if you are happy.  What a gift, right?!

So how do you get him on board when you’re ready but he’s resisting?

Here are some ways you can nudge him (if not completely convince him) in seeing the value of hiring a pro to get your home in tip top shape:

1. We hire professionals all the time.

Have you found yourself with a clogged drain, a battery that needed replacing in a smoke detector, or a piece of furniture from IKEA that needed assembling?  I know I have. Do I own a drain snake, step stool, and the tools to build that IKEA shelf? You bet. Do I call for backup? All. The. Time.

It’s not that I can’t do it on my own, because I can!  Changing out a battery, or heck, organizing a home is not brain surgery.  I don’t have a degree in this, despite my professional involvement in NAPO (National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals), and my near 5 years of running my home organizing business, but that doesn’t mean I care to see what’s been lurking in my bathroom pipes for the past year.

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you want to or can dedicate time to it.  This is the reason why professional services exists right? They are convenient, effective, and save you a whole lotta time and energy in getting the job done right.

2. We’ll save money.

Yup, you read that one right.

Have you ever needed something and because you couldn’t find it, you purchased it again, and again, and then one day found yourself with 15 deodorants?  

In an Amazon Prime led world, it’s easier than ever to turn a blind eye to that dreaded overstuffed closet and hit “add to cart” instead.  But the convenience of our online world puts bandaids on our home organization needs, and leaves us with more stuff than we can manage.

More stuff equals more money spent, and the cycle (and deodorants) keep continuing.

I know what you’re thinking.  15 deodorants may not break the bank, but imagine a home where everything was easily accessible, so you never had to buy duplicates of anything ever again.

Think about how that would affect your space and your wallet over time!  Suddenly there’s extra money for vacation, a 529 plan, or dare I say date night with your husband (wink wink, is he convinced yet?!)

Investing once to get your home simplified and systemized is the gift that keeps on giving.

3. Everyone has a say

A lot of significant others are fearful that if someone were to come into their home, their favorite collection would suddenly go missing, or they’d be judged or outnumbered into a new way of life.  

Hiring a true pro means everyone’s feelings are considered.  In fact, they aren’t only considered, but their input on common living areas is instrumental to maintaining an organized home for good!  

Every family member should have total control over what personal items they get to keep and what they want to delete (unless they are preschoolers, in which case certain obvious boundaries must be set: no, we can’t adopt the squirrel outside and house him in your bed just because he fits.)

4. Convey the problem(s), not the solution.

Problem: I’m going to jeopardize my job because I’m always consistently late.

Solution: I need to hire a professional organizer (to help with time + stuff management)

Which caught your attention?  Communicate to your partner what problems they may not be privy to.  When aware of the pressing external problems, they’ll be more keen to buy into a solution.

5. Seeing is believing

If you are in the camp of having a husband oblige, but who is not interested in “his side” partaking in the organizing fun, that’s ok!  

He is entitled to his own personal level of organization, as long as it doesn’t negatively affect everyone’s daily routines.  Are his socks life-threatening if they are left on the floor? Probably not. But fear not…

In 99% of the homes I’ve worked in, the husband is not only admiring what’s happening on the other side of the room, but requesting to make the magic happen with his stuff too!

Men are visual creatures.  Sometimes seeing is believing, so take a deep breath knowing that you won’t have to do much convincing after they’ve witnessed how amazing your transformation looks and feels.  

Trust me, they’ll be on board!!

If you’re looking to get him further inspired, take a look at some past home transformations here!

How have you struggled with your partner’s resistance to hiring a professional or getting organized?

Would love to hear in the comments below!