How to Organize and Simplify your Thanksgiving Day Feast!

Growing up, Thanksgiving was the equivalent to the Olympics for my family…

particularly for my Grandma. Her unforgettable feasts are the well-loved chapters of my childhood, and honestly I’m still in awe of how she flawlessly orchestrated it all solo.

As the quintessential Italian Grandma, she knew that family bonds were forged around the dinner table. With meticulous planning and her legendary stuffed artichokes, she made every Thanksgiving an indelible memory.

Each year, I strive to pay homage to my Grandma's legacy, although I’ll confess - I will never match her 12-foot spread (love you, Gram, but I definitely lack the time and skills for that!)

For those in the hosting seat this year, I’m sharing a few practical tips to streamline your feast, and ensure your Thanksgiving is filled with warmth, great company, and a table adorned with memories!

1- Print (or digitally bookmark) your recipes in advance

Whether you’re cooking solo, or sharing the responsibilities with family or friends, let’s talk about the blueprint of a stress-free kitchen: legible recipes at your fingertips!

Because we all have that one recipe passed down that no one can decipher, and why is it always in script?

Long before the cooking marathon begins, gather your recipes to one location (that’s not just living rent free in your head.)

Being able to easily glance at ingredients, measurements and cook times ensures nothing slips through the cracks and helps manage the various cook times, especially if you’re managing a lot of cooks in the kitchen!

2- Schedule the day

Ah, the infamous turkey time struggle.

I vividly remember my husband and I cooking a colossal 16-pound bird (for just 6 people!) when we first moved into our co-op, all in an effort to impress our then 80 year old Grandmothers.

Lesson learned: don’t bite off more than you can chew (quite literally), and never underestimate the time it takes.

The sides (arguably the best part of the meal) also need careful scheduling to ensure everything stays nice and hot.

Work backwards from the time you’re wanting to sit down at the table to eat dinner, and schedule time for mishaps and breaks!

While you may already know to prep as much as you can in advance, don’t be shy to enlist help for those routine tasks that you’ll likely forget to block time for (like having someone monitor the stove while you get dressed, or the kids when you’re immersed in Turkey giblets.)

3- Lay out your plates with sticky notes

No matter how simple your meal, you're bound to need more tableware than usual!

An easy way to ensure you have everything you need is to channel your inner Grandma by laying out the serving ware and utensils needed ahead of time for each dish.

Sticky notes labeled "turkey," "stuffing," and "green beans tongs" are your secret weapons against last-minute chaos and washing the same serving bowl 4 times.

4- Prep for guests

Designate a specific area for guests to place their coats, shoes, and personal belongings to minimize tripping hazards and prevent excessive congestion near the entryway. If you have a small or compact entry closet, consider temporarily relocating your coats to accommodate your guests’ items, so they are out of the way yet accessible.

Welcoming out-of-town guests for Thanksgiving?

Before you start thinking about adding more to your plate (who needs that?!), consider small, thoughtful gestures to set the tone:

Sharing your Wi-Fi password or providing friends and relatives with a spare set of keys for independence can make a significant difference when all you crave is a moment of solitude after a long day of playing host of the most!

5- Maintain your peace of mind and enjoy!

In the midst of the holiday chaos and commercial frenzy, it's so easy to lose sight of why we gather in the first place. 

As much as my Grandma loved every aspect of her perfectly executed meal, it was never about achieving a Pinterest-worthy table or flawlessly cooked meat (I mean, who really accomplishes that anyway?)

The real goal was (and always will be) to gather, laugh about the inevitable hiccups, and revel in the joy of being in each other’s company.

Wishing you a delightful and stress-free celebration!